Reevy Hill Primary School

Interactive bar


Miss Riaz

This week you will be focusing on how vocabulary choice affects the meaning in different texts. You will be looking at synonyms and different choices of words that authors use to create impact. 

You will have 4 tasks to complete over the week. Please complete them neatly into your books.


Task 1


Work through the PowerPoint below and then complete the 'Your Turn' challenges on the slides. You do not need to record anything into your book.

Task 2 and Task 3


Revisit the PowerPoint from yesterday and then compete the two tasks below. They are questions to  secure your understanding of the PowerPoint. 

Task 4


Your final task for this week will be to complete the comprehension below. You must read the text first and then complete the questions neatly into your book. Remember to use the skills that you have learnt in guided reading to help you.


  1. Underline the key information in the question.
  2. 'Skim' the text to identify the key information.
  3. Read the whole sentence to understanding the text. 
  4. Write your answers in whole sentences.

