Reevy Hill Primary School

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At Reevy Hill, we strive for our children to become fluent mathematicians who are able to reason and solve problems which are essential to everyday life, preparing them for life beyond school.


We follow the White Rose Scheme of Learning from Early Years to Year 6 alongside a variety of other resources to provide children with the appropriate amount of support and challenge within their learning. In Early Years and Key Stage One, we deliver a mastering number programme which ensures children secure basic number skills in these year groups, which we believe provide the foundations for the rest of the maths curriculum.


Throughout school, we follow a ‘teach, try, apply’ approach where we teach a skill, pupils will then practice and apply this skill in different contexts, linking to real life. Our practical approach to learning means that children of all abilities are able to access the maths curriculum using concrete and pictorial resources to support them.




Maths in Action

