End of Day Arrangements
Most classes will be released from the door where they entered in the morning except Year 5 who will exit from the library door and Year 4 who will exit from the Creative Zone door. Nursery will enter and exit from the side door under the Outdoor Area shelter. The teacher or support member of staff stands at the exit door and releases each child one-by-one to a waiting parent/carer as they get to the door. If parents/carers are not there, the child will remain with the adult until the rest of the class have been dismissed. The School Office will then contact the parents/carers of pupils who have not been collected 15 minutes after the normal end of the school day. A password will be asked for whenever the person collecting is not the parent/ carer or a person who regularly collects the child. This password is saved on our Arbor system.
No child will be allowed to leave the school without an adult from Nursery to Year 4. If parents wish to discuss individual circumstances, the Head Teacher in partnership with the parent may negotiate a change, this however is at the Head Teacher’s discretion. In Year 5 and Year 6, pupils may walk home alone or unsupervised with the permission of the parent/carer. Permission must be given in writing using the End of Day Collection Arrangements Slip. It is the teacher’s responsibility to ensure that every child goes home with the correct adult.