Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Our Local Governing Board meets four times per academic year. If you are interested in becoming a Governor, please speak to Mr Stott, Headteacher.
Our LGB meets twice in Autumn term, once in Spring term before Easter and once again in July at the end of the academic year.
Our LGB has no separate committees or membership to any other associated groups
Previous to September 2024, our LGB was a joint LGB with Woodside Academy and we will assign our first Chair of the Reevy Hill LGB at our first meeting.
Link to Get Information About Schools
Governor Name | Role | Start of term of office | End of term of office | Pecuniary Interests |
Limara Rasbeary | Parent | Sept 2021 | Sept 2025 | None |
Anna Halfacre | Parent & Safeguarding | May 2022 | May 2026 | None |
Wendy Clark | Staff | Sept 2023 | Sept 2027 | None |
Jackie Barwick | Community | Sept 2024 | Sept 2028 | None |
Craig Clark | Community | Sept 2024 | Sept 2028 | None |
Saif Khan | Community | Nov 2024 | Nov 2028 | None |
Vacancy | Community |
Governors served in the last 12 month | Role | Start of term of office | End of term of office | Pecuniary Interests |
Gordon Dey | Chair | Nov 2023 | Remained with Woodside | None |
Julie Benn | Parent | Nov 2023 | Remained with Woodside | None |
Keira Priestley | Parent | Nov 2023 | Remained with Woodside | None |
Governors @ a glance
Craig Clark
Hello, my name is Craig Clark. I am a newly appointed community governor. I work at a local chemical company as a Fire Safety and Security Advisor. As a school governor I will work with the school and parents to ensure the educational needs and the school environment of the children are at the forefront of every decision. Working together we can improve the school to create a positive learning experience for all students.
Anna Halfacre
Hello, my name is Anna. I have 2 children at Reevy Hill; a son in Key Stage 2 and a daughter in Early Years. I have been a governor for over a year. I believe every child has the right to a safe space, where they can learn, grow and thrive. I am the safeguarding governor and my aim in this role is to make sure all children are in a secure, happy environment that encourages them to be the best version of themselves.
Saif Khan
Hi. I’m Saif Khan and I recently joined the team as a Community Governor. I have lived in BD6 for over a decade and have a vested interest in what takes place in our community. Since 2021, I have been involved in supporting and enriching the lives of young people living in Buttershaw. This role will enable me to put forward suggestions that are in the best interest of the pupils and parents.
Limara Rasbeary
Hi my name is Limara Rasbeary. I have a son in Year 4 and my daughter has just left Year 6. I have been parent Governor for 3 years and also part of Families of Reevy (F.O.R) for 5 year. I strive to make the lives of children at Reevy Hill enjoyable and Reevy Hill Primary School a place they want to be.
Jackie Barwick
Hello, My name is Jackie Barwick , I retired this year after 42 years working as a cover supervisor at Reevy . Over this time I have worked in various roles including staff governor. I lived in Buttershaw for over 50 years so feel that I have a good understanding of the strengths and challenges of the local community. Being a governor will enable me to be a part the school community striving to ensure the best opportunities for our children.
Wendy Clark
Hello, my name is Wendy Clark. I have worked at Reevy as a cover supervisor since 2016 and have been the staff governor for the last year. I am passionate about achieving the very best for the children, who attend this school and will endeavour to achieve this through my work with the children and as a governor.
Governor Meeting attendance
Governor Attendance at LGB meetings 2024-2025 | |||||
Governor Name | Meeting 1 3.10.24 | Meeting 2 28.11.24 | Meeting 3
| Meeting 4
C. Clark | Not appointed |
L. Rasbearry |
A. Halfacre |
| Apologies |
S. Khan | Not appointed |
W. Clark |
J. Barwick |
N. Harding | Not appointed | Not appointed |
J. McMillan | Not appointed | Not appointed |
Governor Meeting Attendance 2023-2024 | ||||
Governor Name | Meeting 1 4.10.23 | Meeting 2 30.11.23 | Meeting 3 28.2.24 | Meeting 4 11.07.24 |
G. Dey |
L. Rasbeary |
A. Halfacre |
W. Clark |
J. Benn | n/a | n/a |
K.Priestley | n/a | n/a |