Reevy Hill Primary School

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At Reevy Hill, Science is planned to inspire pupils to be inquisitive about the world around them through teaching them essential knowledge linked to different aspects of Science, making it relevant to them.


Our Science Curriculum is carefully designed so knowledge is considered and built upon from Early Years right through to Year 6. It is carefully planned and sequenced so that each topic has a clear end point with a focus on specific knowledge and vocabulary that children will know and remember. We ensure that the pupils’ knowledge and understanding is deepened by working scientifically through experiencing different types of enquiry.


We strive to enhance our Science Curriculum so that pupils receive purposeful experiences that go beyond the classroom and bring their learning to life. Some of these experiences have included trips to the Science Museum where Year 5 learnt about Earth and Space, and trips to Nell Bank where pupils learnt about Living Things and Their Habitat.

Science in Action

