Reevy Hill Primary School

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At Reevy Hill Primary School, we understand the link between physical and mental health and wellbeing. In doing so, we deliver an engaging PE curriculum which inspires and motivates pupils beyond the classroom.

Years 1-6 access 2 hours per week of PE as per the government recommendations. PE is taught in 1-hour lessons by a specialist coach from ACESs education and the class teacher. Children in EYFS have 1 hour taught lesson as well as outdoor provision where through carefully planned activities, they develop their gross motor skills.


Pupils learn about the benefits of exercise and diet and how to warm up/cool down. Pupils learn to play games, compete and respect their opponents and officials through the PE curriculum. Lessons are carefully planned so that skills are developed on as they move through school. Our Year 6 residential visit, also allows pupils to participate in a range of more adventurous outdoor activities like abseiling, climbing and kayaking.  

PE in Action

