Relationships Education will put in place the building blocks needed for positive and safe relationships, including with family, friends and online. Your child will be taught what a relationship is, what friendship is, what family means and who can support them. In an age-appropriate way, your child will cover how to treat each other with kindness, consideration and respect. Health Education aims to give your child the information they need to make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing, to recognise issues in themselves and others, and to seek support as early as possible when issues arise.
Through discussion and simple activities, your Year 6 child will be learning:
- To identify strategies for keeping personal information safe online and understand that responsible and respectful behaviour is necessary when interacting with others online and face-to-face.
- To demonstrate ways of showing respect to others, using verbal and non-verbal communication.
- To recognise that bullying and disrespectful behaviour can result from disrespect of people’s differences.
- To know the risks of sharing photos of themselves with other people directly or online.
- To explain what the Five Ways to Wellbeing are and describe how the five ways to wellbeing contribute to a healthy lifestyle, giving examples of how they can be implemented in people's lives.
- To define what is meant by addiction, demonstrating an understanding that addiction is a form of behaviour.
- To explain how drugs can be categorised into different groups depending on their legal and medical content.
- To explain the difference between a friend and an acquaintance.
- To recognise some of the challenges that arise from friendships.
- To be aware that marriage is a commitment freely entered into by both people, that no one should enter into a marriage if they don’t absolutely want to do so.
- To recognise that some types of physical contact can produce strong negative feelings.
- To explain the difference between a safe and unsafe secret.
- To define the word 'puberty' giving examples of some of the physical and emotional changes associated with it.
- To recognise some of the changes they have experienced and my emotional responses to those changes.
- To identify the changes that happen through puberty to allow sexual reproduction to occur.
- I can understand the risks related to growing up and explain the need to be aware of these.
Appropriate questions that arise from the children during the lessons will be answered honestly, factually and in the context of safe, supportive, loving, and caring relationships. Each pupil's privacy will be respected, and no one will be asked to reveal personal information. All resources that will be used have been reviewed by the school for their suitability, and tailored to suit our children’s needs.