Welcome to our Year 6 Home Learning page!
Here you will find lots of activities to keep you busy and learning if you are having to learn at home.
Please feel free to send me any pictures of your work to e.pinder@reevyhill.llat.org.uk, I love hearing from you and seeing all your fabulous work!
See you soon!
Miss Pinder
Home Learning - 6/1/25
Spanish -
Read through the names of the sports in Spanish and practice saying them.
Home Learning - 7/1/25
Geography -
This half term, we are looking at 'who we are' and what it means to be British. We are going to be looking at the British Values which are:
Rule of Law - understanding rules and why they are there to follow.
Mutual Respect - treating others how you want to be treated.
Tolerance - learning about how others are different.
Individual Liberty - the right to make our own choices.
Democracy - the right to vote and voice our opinions.
I would like you to have a think of an example for when you have followed each of the British Values, it could be at school or at home.
An example for democracy could be voting for who should win the learning superstar of the term.
I am looking forward to hearing your examples!
Home Learning - 8/1/25
English -
On Monday, I introduced the setting for our animation that we are going to be looking at this half term. Today, I would like you to watch part of the animation using the link below – stop at 2 minutes.
Look at the questions below and start to make a prediction about the animation. I can't wait to hear what ideas you have about it!
How would you describe the atmosphere at the start of the animation?
Who is she and what is she doing there?
Why do you think she is so interested in the shop?
What do you predict will happen when she enters the shop?
Home Learning - 9.1.25
Science -
In Science, we have been learning about light. Today, I want you to recap over your knowledge of light sources and light reflectors, and investigate them round your house.
A light source is an object that produces its own light like a lamp.
A light reflector is an object that reflects light like a bauble.
See if you can find some examples of light sources and light reflectors in your house and make a list of them - you could even use a torch on a device to help you find light reflectors if you have access to one!
Make a list and let me know which you find more of!