Reevy Hill Primary School

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SEND - Inclusion & Nurture

Nurture Provision @ Reevy Hill 

At Reevy Hill, we pride ourselves in meeting the needs of our pupils to ensure they are successful learners. 

We have a skilled Inclusion Team made up of:

  • Miss Gibson (SENCO & Deputy Headteacher)
  • Mrs Whiteley (Learning Mentor)
  • Mrs Cox (Safeguarding and Welfare Officer)

The team is supported by Mrs Greenwood (Trust Safeguarding & Inclusion Lead).

The depth and experience of this team means that what we offer as a school is comprehensive and enables us to offer short-medium term pastoral support for children identified through the Inclusion system in school. 


Children can access some of the following sessions, through time table variations...Monster in My Tummy, Lego Therapy,  Friendship sessions, 1:1 support time, and Time to Talk. As well as this, children can access 1:1/small group breakfast club support, creative arts sessions and 1:1 getting to know you sessions. 

Nurture Provision @ Reevy

