Reevy Hill Primary School

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Year 1 -Miss Gibson

Welcome to our Year 1 Home Learning page!

Here you will find lots of activities to keep you busy and learning if you are having to learn at home.


Please feel free to send me any pictures of your work to, I love hearing from you and seeing all your fabulous work!


See you soon!

Miss Gibson

Storytime with Miss Gibson

Snow Day 6.1.25




Write/draw 4 instructions needed to make a snowman. Here is the first one-

1. Roll a body. 







Last half term we looked at 2D and 3D shapes. Have a look around your house for some objects, sort them into 2 groups- 2D and 3D shapes. Can you name the shapes?

Which of these shapes can

  • roll?
  • Be stacked?

 Put the shapes together to make a picture like the ones below.






This half term we are going to learn about Plants. 


As a pre-learning task, draw a plant and add these labels;







Do you know what important things a plant needs to grow?

You could write those down too! 


Please bring any completed work into school tomorrow, I would love to see it!

Snow day 7.1.25




Make patterns with shape, say the pattern, this will help you out. For example; circle, triangle, square. Circle, triangle _________.




Draw a picture of yourself playing in the snow. What clothes are you wearing? Add labels to you picture, for example; 

  • thick coat
  • winter hat. 





In PE this half term we are going to be starting a Winter dance unit. Play the video below or Frozen's 'Let it Go' and make up your own dance .


Frozen Exercise for Kids | Learn about Tempo and Notes | Musical Kids Indoor Workout

MissLinky #FrozenExercise #KidsExerciseVideos Join Miss Linky on a magical adventure to help Princess Elsa and Princess Anna to find the music that has disappeared. This exercise video for kids will help students to move to a beat and to distinguish between different musical notes. Get ready for the coolest (pun intended) workout video for children!

Snow day 8.1.25




See the worksheet below. Can you say the names of the 2D and 3D shapes? If you can't print the sheet you could point to the shape and say the name aloud. 




In Winter...

Draw a picture and write a sentence to match it. What signs of Winter can you see? Try using the word 'and' in your sentence to join two sentences together.

For example; 

In Winter snow falls down and I make a snowman in the garden.



Listen to the piece of music below and move your body in time to the beat.

 Use your voice and body to create some of the sounds that could be used to represent a storm at sea, do you think these sounds should be quiet or loud?

Snow day- 9.1.25




Number bonds to 10. Remember, number bonds are two numbers that add together to make a number, for example, 8+2 and 3+7. 



Look at the picture below. (You may recognise the place, it is in our local area!)

Write a sentence using the word 'and' to make it longer. Can you use an adjective in there too? Can you spot the adjective I have used in my sentence below?



The trees are covered in sparkly snow and the pond is frozen.



In Geography this half term, we will investigate the UK. 


Look at the website below. You will find some information about the UK that your adult can read to you. Then have a go at activity 1, placing the countries on the map of the UK. (Please do not worry if these aren't correct as this is a pre- learning task!

Snow day- 10.1.25




Adding together. Use any strategy you like to add these numbers together; fingers, objects, counting on in head.





Listen to the story 'Percy the Park Keeper, One Snowy night.'

Write a sentence as if you are Percy, what animals did you see that night?

My example; 


I saw a cold rabbit and a spiky hedgehog. 

One Snowy Night - A Percy The Park Keeper story read by Nick Butterworth

Nick Butterworth reads his classic story "One Snowy Night". You can order One Snowy Night here: Visit Published by HarperCollins, Percy The Park Keeper stories have sold more than 10 million copies in more than 30 languages. ©Nick Butterworth 1989



In class we have been paying compliments to our friends to make them feel good about themselves. 

Today I want you to think about the good things about yourself, write or draw 4 things that make you amazing!

