Reevy Hill Primary School

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This week, you will continue to focus on calculating perimeter. Please watch the video and then move onto the worksheet for that day. Once you have completed the worksheet, challenge yourself to a 'Next Step Problem'.

Don't forget to login to 'TTRockstars' daily!


Task 1

L.O. To calculate the perimeter of a rectangle 


Aut4.9.3 - Perimeter of a rectangle

Task 2

L.O To understand and calculate the perimeter of rectilinear shapes.

Aut4.9.4 - Perimeter of rectilinear shapes


Today you will be moving onto your new topic which is multiplication and division.

 First, watch the video and pause it to complete the short tasks. Once you have watched the video, move on to the worksheet and then complete at least two of the 'Next Step' challenges.

If you are unsure about any of the daily tasks, please email me and I will support you. 


Task 3

L.O. To understand the 11 and 12 times-table

Spr4.1.1 - 11 and 12 times-table

Task 4

To multiply by three numbers

Spr4.1.2 - Multiply 3 numbers

Task 5 - Revisit Lesson

In this lesson you will revisit your understanding of length and perimeter. Work through the PowerPoint and complete your answers in your book. The answers are also given to you so you can self mark your work. 

