Reevy Hill Primary School

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Reading at Reevy

Reading is a massive part of what we do here at Reevy Hill and we would like our children to not only learn to read, but also have a real love of books, stories and poems.

Author and Illustrator Book Readings


We have been lucky enough to have lots of visits into school or chats via Zoom to different authors and illustrators. This has really helped our love of reading as we feel as though we are really involved in the book as it has been read to us by the person who wrote it or drew the pictures for it.

Dapo Adeola - Look Up and Space Detectives

Alex T Smith - Claude in the City

Bianca Vickers - The Travelling Turtle's Christmas Adventure

Our Library


We love our school library and we're very proud of what it represents. It has some amazing books and interactive displays. We especially love getting comfy in the woodland area to share our favourite stories. We get to use our library as an amazing learning space and to read with our teachers, as well as it being open to us to read books or access technology during our lunchtimes!

Reading Championship


We are working hard on our reading in school and the more we read at home and at school, the more badges we earn and rewards we achieve. 

Caught Reading


The children at Reevy Hill have been set a challenge by Miss Lamb to take pictures of themselves reading in the most exciting and unusual places possible. Have a look at where we have been 'caught reading'...

Free Lending Library


Near the main school gates, we have a wonderful new Free Lending Library where we can borrow and share books. We use it to borrow a book for ourselves or put in an old book that we've read for someone else to enjoy. We use this before school, at break/lunch and at home time.


Story time


At the end of every day, we enjoy a story as a class. We call this TRIC (Teacher Reading In Class) and it is an opportunity to listen to some of our favourite stories, join in with rhymes and actions or hear an amazing poem being read aloud. Come back soon for pictures and videos of not just the teachers in our school sharing stories, but the children too...



Phonics is one of the many skills needed to become a reader and writer.  We aim to give pupils the best possible start on their reading/writing journey by teaching them the essential skills and knowledge to decode and encode words independently from the outset.  At this point of reading and writing, pupils will use phonics as their first strategy to read and spell unknown words until it is embedded and automatic for them. We provide pupils with the opportunity to develop this automaticity in reading practise sessions. We recognise that the development of spoken language and the enjoyment and comprehension of quality literature go hand in hand to develop a lifelong love of reading and aim to nurture and develop these attributes alongside the phonics programme.

