Reevy Hill Primary School

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Reception - Mrs Metcalfe

Welcome to our Reception Home Learning page!

Here you will find lots of activities to keep you busy and learning if you are having to learn at home.


Please feel free to send me any pictures of your work to, I love hearing from you and seeing all your fabulous work!


See you soon!

Mrs Metcalfe

Snow Day Home Learning - Tuesday 7th January 2025



We have been learning about whole numbers and the parts they can be made up of. Work through the powerpoint below. What can you see in the pictures? What is the whole? What parts can you see? What can you see that is the same? What can you see that is different?


Click on the link below to play a word reading game on Phonics Play. Click start and then choose Phase 2 Sets 1-5. Sound-talk and blend the sounds to read each word, choosing the picture to match the word.


Today I would like you to carry out a Science experiment! Ask a grown up to help you find a small container in your house that you can fill with water. Fill it up with water and then place it somewhere outside and leave it there. What do you think will happen to your water? Make sure to keep checking back on it throughout the day, before you go to bed and then again tomorrow morning. I wonder what you will happen. Can you draw a picture of your pot of water and where you left it? Can you write about what happens? I can't wait to see what you find out!

Snow Day Home Learning - Monday 6th January 2025.


This week we will be learning the number rhyme Five Little Snowmen and practicing our recall of number bonds of 5. Can you sing the song and find pairs of numbers that add to make 5? If there are 5 snowmen altogether and 1 has melted, how many are still standing?

Five Little Snowmen


Using the digraphs ch, sh, th or ng, can you write the words to match the pictures below?

Tricky Words Song

Practice your tricky words by singing along to the song like we do in school!

Topic work

This week in class we are learning all about the season of Winter, which ties in brilliantly with the snowy weekend we've had! Today we would love you to spend some time outside taking in the changes in the world around you and having lots of fun in the snow. What will you need to wear to go outside in today I wonder?

We would love to see any photographs that you take of you building snowmen, making snow angels, sledging or doing any other Wintery activities. Please email them to the above email address. We will share and talk about any photographs that are sent in, as well as adding them to our Winter display.


Have fun!

Mrs Metcalfe


