Reevy Hill Primary School

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Year 5 - Miss Riaz

Welcome to our Year 5 Home Learning page!

Here you will find lots of activities to keep you busy and learning if you are having to learn at home.


Please feel free to send me any pictures of your work to, I love hearing from you and seeing all your fabulous work!


See you soon!

Miss Riaz

Story Time with Miss Riaz

Still image for this video


Friday 10th January



Maths Compare fractions less than 1


This term, we are learning about the significance of Easter, Ascension, and Pentecost. As an introduction to this topic,  I’d like you to recap and summarize the key points of Holy Week using your prior knowledge. 

Your Task:

Christians remember the final days of Jesus’ life during Holy Week. Can you recall the main events of Holy Week and the days on which these are celebrated by Christian?

Use the sorting cards below to help you!


Choose one event from Holy Week and write a short paragraph explaining why it is important for Christians.


Thursday 9th January


Today, you will be learning how to use commas in sentences to make your writing clearer and to avoid confusion or misunderstanding. Using commas correctly helps others understand exactly what you mean. Sometimes, missing or misplaced commas can change the entire meaning of a sentence! 


Your task today is to work through the Power Point below, if you need any help please email me!

Maths - Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions



This term, we will be exploring how music and colour can connect to create a vibrant and meaningful experience.


Your First Task:
Think about how music can be represented by colour. For example:

  • Does a happy, lively tune remind you of bright yellow or orange?
  • Would a calm, soothing melody feel like soft blues or greens?


Next, click on the link below to see how colour is used in the Hindu festival of Holi. Pay attention to the emotions and energy behind the festival—how do the colours make you feel? How might they connect to music?

Wednesday 8th January 



Maths - Convert improper fractions to mixed numbers


This term, we are going to explore an exciting new topic: Natural Resources. We will be looking at how they are used in our daily lives, and why they are so important to our planet. 


What Are Natural Resources?
Natural resources are things we find in nature that people use to survive and improve their lives. They include materials like water, wood, coal, and sunlight. Some natural resources are renewable, meaning they can be replaced (like trees), while others are non-renewable, meaning they can run out (like oil and coal).


Your task - Spot the Resources Around You 
Look around your home and find at least 5 items that are made from natural resources. For each item, write:

  • What is the item?
  • What natural resource is it made from?
  • Is this resource renewable or non-renewable?


  • Item: A paper notebook
  • Natural Resource: Wood (from trees)
  • Type: Renewable

Challenge Task: Design a Poster
Create a poster to show the importance of conserving natural resources. Include:

  • A title (e.g., “Save Our Natural Resources!”)
  • A few tips on how to save resources (e.g., recycling, saving water, planting trees).
  • Be as creative as you can!


Be ready to share one interesting fact you learned about natural resources!

Tuesday 7th January 2024


Maths Recognise equivalent fractions



This term we will be looking at properties and changes in materials. Your task today will be to explore the properties of materials around your home and how they can change.



  1. Choose 5 different objects in your home (e.g. a plastic bottle, a metal spoon, a piece of paper, etc.).

  2. For each object, write down:

    • What material it is made of (e.g. wood, plastic, glass).
    • Two properties of the material (e.g. hard, flexible, waterproof).
  3. Optional Experiment:

    • Pick one material (e.g. chocolate, wax, or ice) and investigate how it changes when you heat or cool it.


Bring your notes to class to share your discoveries!


 Monday 6th January 2025


Maths - Find fractions equivalent to a nonunit fraction



