Reevy Hill Primary School

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Year 4 - Miss Holmes

Welcome to our Year 4 Home Learning page!

Here you will find lots of activities to keep you busy and learning if you are having to learn at home.


Please feel free to send me any pictures of your work to, I love hearing from you and seeing all your fabulous work!


See you soon!

Miss Holmes


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Chapter 1

Home learning - 10.1.24

Happy Friday! Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday. Keep safe and warm over the weekend :) 


Use the picture below to write your own story. It can be as long or as short as you like. Be creative as possible. 

Think about the setting. What can you see, hear, smell? How do you feel about being there? 

Who are the characters in the image? Why are they there? 

It would be fantastic if you could keep up with your MTC practice while you are at home. Have a go at one today and keep note of your score to tell me on Monday. Have a go at some of the games and medals too.

Get creative

Can you make a piece of art? This could be a drawing, painting, sculpture. Can you use different materials? Could you go outside and draw it in the snow? 

Remember to take some pictures and email me or put them on Facebook. I would love to see what you get up to. 

Home learning - 9.1.24

English - read the text and answer the questions

It would be fantastic if you could keep up with your MTC practice while you are at home. Have a go at one today and keep note of your score to tell me on Monday. Have a go at some of the games and medals too.


This half term we will be exploring Europe with a focus on Greece. For this lesson I would like you to develop an understanding of how we can use maps to locate the different countries of Europe.

Work your way through the quiz and the video in the link below.


Home learning - 8.1.24


Today, I would like you to conduct some research on volcanoes. Use these questions to help you and make some notes. 


What makes volcanoes erupt? 

What are the dangers of a volcanic eruption? 

What are the different kinds of volcanoes? 

How/why do people live near volcanoes? 

Can you find any famous volcanic eruptions? What happened as a result? 


Draw around your hand on a piece of paper. 

Inside each of your fingers write an adult you trust. 

Inside the palm of your hand write 5 places you feel safe. 

Home learning - 7.1.24



Look at the image below and use your senses to describe what you would be able to see, smell, feel and hear. 

Can you use expanded noun phrases and prepositions to write full sentences? 


For example, 

With a deafening roar, the volcano erupted, spilling molten lava over the rocks beneath the dark, ash filled sky. 


In Science this half term, we will be learning about the digestive system. We will be starting with the types of teeth. Please use the link below to work through the video and complete the quiz.

Home Learning - 6/1/25

Geography - 


In Geography this half term, we are going to be learning about Greece. Please research these questions: 


Which continent is Greece located in?

What is the climate like? 

What physical and human features does it have? 

What is the capital city? 

What is the current population?

