Reevy Hill Primary School

Interactive bar


Tuesday 7th January 2025

Today please continue to explore the snowy and icy weather and please don't forget to send me your photos, I have loved seeing the ones that I have been sent so far! 


Here are some activities to be busy with- 


*Can you draw a picture of what you saw outside or what you can see from the window?

* Practice writing your name

*Listen to the story 'Colour Monster' again, can you remember the colours? talk to an adult about which colour you are feeling today

* Think about the colour yellow in the story (Happiness) what makes you feel happy? draw a picture and mark make about the things that make you happy 

* Draw and colour your own colour monster

*Practice counting objects 1:1 to 5 and 10. Don't forget to touch each object as you say the number and remember that the last number you say is the total amount.


*Listen to our Storytime Story - One snowy Night





The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas

Storytime story 

One Snowy Night - A Percy The Park Keeper story read by Nick Butterworth

