Reevy Hill Primary School

Interactive bar


Thursday 9th January 2025

9.1.25 - English - Using so, and, but, and or

9.1.25 - Maths - Differences (More/Fewer)

9.1.25 - Geography 

This half-term, we will be learning about the world including the Arctic, in Geography.

Today, Mrs Stott and I would like you to complete two tasks in preparation for our next Geography lesson together!

First, please follow the link below, which will take you a BBC Bitesize page where you can watch a couple of videos and discover the 7 continents of the world! 

Exploring locations - the seven continents - Years 1/2 - P2/3 - Geography Collection - BBC Bitesize


Then, you can open the document below, which will explain the activity that we would like you to complete.

We can't wait to see your amazing work!

Story Time

Still image for this video
We have really missed having story time at the end of the day and knowing how much Year 2 love a story, we thought you must be missing story time too!

So, we have included some stories for the end of the day here!

You can listen to Miss Thomas reading a story that she loved when she was in Year 2 herself - Mrs Wobble the Waitress, by Allan and Janet Ahlberg.

Press play on the video above to enjoy the story.

Mrs Stott has also made a video, reading one of her favourite stories: The Snowflake by Benji Davies!
You can enjoy this story by clicking the link below.

