Reevy Hill Primary School

Interactive bar


Tuesday 7th January 2025


This term, we will begin our new topic in Science, where we will be looking at 'materials'.

Today, Mrs Stott and I would like you to click on the link below and watch the two videos which explore different materials and their everyday uses.

There are some activities and quizzes that you can try, if you fancy a challenge!

Here is the link:

Everyday materials - BBC Bitesize

Then, we would like you to have a look around the room you are in.

Can you spot any of the materials mentioned in the videos around you?

If you can, how are they being used?

Explore your house and see if you can find any more materials!

If you are able to, please make a note of your findings and we can share these in our next Science lesson together!


Below, you can click on a link that will show you a table, where you can organise your notes.

