Reevy Hill Primary School

Interactive bar


Friday 10th January 2025

10.1.25 - English - Using conjunctions (and, so, but, or) - vf and application

10.1.25 - Maths - Subtraction (Find the Difference)

10.1.25 - PSHRE - Kindness

In today's PSHRE activities, we will be focusing on 'kindness' - what being kind means, how it feels when someone has been kind to ourselves  and what we can do to be kind to others.

Please click on the document below, where your activities are explained and remember: you can email any work you have completed to us! Just use the emails at the top of the Year 2 Home Learning page.


We can't wait to read your thoughts on kindness!

Story Time

Still image for this video
We have really missed having story time at the end of the day and knowing how much Year 2 love a story, we thought you must be missing story time too!

So, we have included some stories for the end of the day here!

You can listen to Miss Thomas reading The Light Housekeeper's Cat in the video above - just click play to enjoy!

