Reevy Hill Primary School

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Monday 6th January 2025

This half term we are learning all about Winter and colour (Which is perfect timing for the snowy weather!) If we were in school today we would be going on a wintery walk around the school grounds so wrap up warm and go and explore your garden! talk to a grown up about 

*What you can see

*How it feels 

*How it smells

Please take lots of pictures of your snowy fun and send them to me at and we can talk about them and display them in class. 


Our focus story is the colour monster click the link below to watch the story and talk about the colours you can see and write your favourite colour on a piece of paper, maybe collect objects from around your house that are your favourite colour and send me a picture of them!




Do lots of counting today, count the colourful objects you collect, or the buttons on your snowman   remember to touch each object as you say the number.


Have a fun day and don't forget to send me lots of pictures!


