Welcome to our Year 3 Home Learning page!
Here you will find lots of activities to keep you busy and learning if you are having to learn at home.
Please feel free to send me any pictures of your work to e.goddard@reevyhill.llat.org.uk, I love hearing from you and seeing all your fabulous work!
See you soon!
Miss Goddard x
Friday 10th January
Can you solve these addition and subtraction problems?
In Year 3, we should become better at editing and improving our own writing, needing less adult help. This can be a tricky skill because we need to know what we're being asked to look for, to understand what to do to make our writing better.
Here are some activities to help you to practice this skill today...
Can you correct the punctuation? Look for any missing capital letters, full stops or question marks.
Can you extend and improve these sentences by giving more detail like the first example?
In PSHRE on Fridays, we will be learning about Living in the Wider World. Our first session will focus on facts vs opinions.
Firstly, explore this BBC bitesize page to deepen your understanding about what this means. Then can you have a go at writing a fact and an opinion about the topics below?
Thursday 9th January
Can you tackle these problems based around your whole addition and subtraction unit?
Using these snowy pictures as your inspiration; can you first write all the nouns (the people, places or things/objects) that you can see?
Next, improve them by adding an adjective to each.
Can you create noun phrases and expanded noun phrases like the ones below?
E.g. the tall, snowy trees
lots of beautiful icicles
We usually have PE on a Monday and a Wednesday, so we've missed both sessions this week. I know you have become experts at this dance and have heard that you've enjoyed it; so I want you to do some movement and practice it so you can teach it to me.
Wednesday 8th January 2025
Please send me pictures of your work - I can't wait to be back with you all!
Continuing your addition and subtraction work, I'd like you to apply your column method knowledge to these problem-solving word questions.
Think carefully and don’t be tricked! Do you need to add, or takeaway to work out the answer? 🧮
Like yesterday, using the front cover of our new book and perhaps your predictions, I'd like you to have a go at writing your own story for this book, based on the image.
Remember to say your sentence first, then write it. I want to see your capitals, finger spaces, full stops, beautiful presentation, and thoughtful story word choices.
What sentence starters could you use to make it really interesting ?
Add adjectives. Instead of saying 'forest', could you create a noun phrase and say 'the icy forest'?
You could turn it into a booklet and add illustrations too! 📖
This half-term, we'll be learning the names of different animals in Spanish. We will learn how to talk about the ones we like, dislike and own, explaining our reasons and where we see them.
Today, I'd like you to explore this BBC bitesize pronunciation and vocabulary activity & try the quiz.
Then, can you draw the animals it taught you about and label them in Spanish and English?
If you're feeling extra amazing; you could add some of the adjectives that it explored too!
I've also found a silly song about farm animals that I thought you might like! Songs can often help us remember things more easily, as we get them stuck in our heads!! 🎵
Now you've finished, why don't you enjoy a story, like we would at the end of our day at school?
This was one of my favourites when I was at school. 🐟
Tuesday 7th January 2025
Yesterday I asked you to have a go at some 2-digit column addition and subtraction.
Today I would like you to try 3-digit. I know you have tried this, but many of you found it much tricker, so it's a skill we need to continue to practice.
Look at the example below, they have represented the numbers using hundreds, tens and ones. Can you do this?
Yesterday I told you that our new book is The Ice Palace.
Just by looking at the cover, can you write and/or talk about your predictions about our text?
* Think about the boy - Who might he be? Why is he there? What's happened? How might he be feeling?
* Think about the animals - What are they? Why are they snarling at the boy? Where are they? How are they feeling?
* Think about the setting
* Think about the title - Why might the author have chosen this?
This half-term, we will be learning about mountains! We will learn about some of the famous mountains in the world, some brave explorers and how they are formed.
The first mountain that we will explore, will be Mount Everest - the tallest mountain on Earth!
Can you research it and make a fact file, using headings from the one below, to tell me more about it?
Monday 6th January 2025
Miss Plows told me that you did an amazing job tackling column addition and subtraction with exchanges before the holidays.
Please have a go at these ones today.
Tomorrow, we will begin our new class book - Ice Palace by Robert Swindells.
It's all about a boy, Ivan, who lives in an icy village, where something mysterious is happening and he is determined to help out.
Can you research how to stay safe in extreme cold? Later in the week, we will be planning and making our own leaflets about this.
Maybe it might help you today!
Perhaps you could draw a suitcase of suitable clothing, make a 'Cold Weather Survival' information poster, or put your research into practice - go outside if it's safe to do so, and make a snowman!
Curriculum - Science
In science this half-term, we will be learning about forces and magnets.
Use this link to begin to gain some knowledge about magnets. There are some videos and activities on the website.
Perhaps you could hunt around your house for things that are magnetic and make a list. Do you have a magnet on your fridge? That could be your first item!
Otherwise, do some extra research online.